Wednesday, September 13, 2006


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ozlem Ozdener <>
Date: Sep 13, 2006 11:16 AM
To: Ozlem Ozdener <>




Basit Yasayacaksin


Mesela susayinca su icecek kadar basit…

Dort cikacak, ikiyle ikiyi carptiginda.

Tek dugmesi olacak elindeki cihazin;

Tek bir dugme, tek bir cumle gibi…

Sevince lafi dolandirmadan soyledigin"seni seviyorum" gibi

Basit bir opucuk yetecek sana…

Basit sicak bir opucuk, ve o opucukle dolacak tum gunlerin,

Tum dusuncelerin.

O opucuk icin yapacaksin hayatinin kavgasini,

Opucuk icin yiyeceksin hayatinin dayagini.

Kabak cekirdegi verecek sana rakamlarin veremedigi mutlulugu.

El yazisiyla yazilmis egri bugru bir mektup olacak en degerli kagidin-hep

Yaninda tasidigin, atmaya kiyamadigin

Iki harekette giyiniverecek, iki harekette soyunuvereceksin.

Kisacik olacak uyanman, ve yola cikman arasinda gecen sure;

Kisacik olacak sicacik kollara dolanman ve kendini bile anlatabileceksin yazdiklarini; bakislarin bile anlatabilecek kendini.

Beklentilerin de basit olacak;

Kaf Dagin'nin onunde bekleyecek mutluluklar.

Bir islikta bulabileceksin en uzun dostluk romanini;

Ya da bir damla gozyasi yasatacak en ucuz romanini

Pankreasinin sagligina dua edeceksin kapatirken gozlerini

Zafer isareti yapacaksin tuvaletten cikarken.

Bir kasarli tost olacak aradigin nasil oturacagini bilemedigin sofrada,

Parmaklarin en kiymetli catalin.

Yine, ayni parmaklar cozecek en karisik denklemleri.

Iskender'in kilici duracak avukat rehberinin yaninda

Bir filarmoni orkestrasi veremeyecek sana kontrplak bir gitarda dogru basilmis bir fa diyezinin mutlulugununu

Makyaji ilk "a" sina kadar bilmen yetecek

Temizlik kokacak en pahali parfumun

"Bilmiyorum" diyebileceksin bilmediginde ve cok normal olacak"bilemeyisin"

Tek dereden su getirmen yetecek, bir "istemiyorum" diyebilmeye,

Ne durdugunun farketmeyecek abanin altinda.

Saatin, sadece saati gosterecek,

Telefonunu sadece telefon etmek icin kullanacaksin,

Kucuk bir not defteri olacak "bilgini" en hizli "sayan"

Basit yasayacaksin basit

Sanki yasamin bir gun sona erecekmis gibi basit……

                                                                                                Nazim Hikmet

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind!

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.

Mark Twain

"Winning is a state of mind"
It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place then here?
What better time then now?
Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the
bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in
your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Monday, June 05, 2006


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Calexico...10,000th times with tears...hello drama!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

a hug

all I want is a hug....sigh.....

Friday, April 21, 2006


Thomas Jefferson - "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."


Originally uploaded by aqui-ali.
Can you hear me?

Thursday, April 20, 2006



"don't cry, it's only music,"
someone's voice is saying.
"no one you love is dying."
it's only music. and it was only spring,
the world's unreasoning body
run amok, like a saint's, with glory,
that overwhelmed a young girl
into unreasoning sadness.
"crazy," she told herself,
"i should be dancing with happiness."

but it happened again. it happens
when we make bottomless love--
there follows a bottomless sadness
which is not despair
but its nameless opposite.

it has nothing to do with the passing of time.
it's not about loss. it's about
two seemingly parallel lines
suddenly coming together
inside us, in some place
that is still wilderness.

joy, joy, the sopranos sing,
reaching for the shimmering notes
while our eyes fill with tears.

Just for me...

Friedrich Nietzsche - "There are no facts, only interpretations." So
true. I asked out a guy this week and he said no. My interpreation is
that he is not interested...That is a fact!

just for me...

If a man going down into a river,
swollen and swiftly flowing,
is carried away by the current --
how can he help others across?

Sutta Nipata II, 8
My grandmother told me today that I should not be too picky and start thinking about a guy...I smell arranged marriage:)

Meg and Jason

Wednesday, April 19, 2006